C1 Magazine

 Friday 13th September 2024

What is representation?

L/o: To explore the concept of Representation & Stereotypes 

Representation - is what the media choose to be shown of something 

Stereotypes - is a generalised representation of a person, place or thing


Spider-man is a positive representation of a teenager because he is 15 and he is saving people and people want to be just like him 

Lamine Yamal

Lamine Yamal is a positive representation of a teenager because he is a successful football player who has put the effort in and people want to be like him and he proves even being young you can still be successful as long as you put the effort in.

Friday, 20th September 2024


Do Now!

1.   Representation is what the media choose to show to give a specific view or impression 

2.   Whether it is positive or negative 

3.   a stereotype is something someone thinks of you baste on something you cant change such as                  gender or skin colour 

4.   There are 2 exams in media 

5.   Media Audiences 



Teenager - Moody, messy, sleeps a lot 

Football player - muscular, fast, quick reflexes 

Grandmother - always has sweets, old, moves slowly  

In the trailer the stereotypes of a british school and british teenagers being moody and obnoxious are reinforced, however this videos challenges the stereotype that students hate there teachers.

in the next trailer there is the stereotypes being reinforced by girls having lots of makeup people in trollies and being loud 

Representations in magazines 

L/o to explore the representations found in magazines 

Masthead – normally at the top – the title

Main image – all over the magazine – the image of the magazine

Cover lines - A line of text on the front cover of a magazine, around the main image- describing and promoting the content

Main cover line – its normally the largest cover line promoting the biggest feature in the magazine

Puff - A sticker on the magazine which promotes an item or has the price of an item shown in the magazine 

Colour palette - Colour on the magazine based on who the aimed audience is such as a beauty magazine would have pink and purple colour pallet

Direct address -  The model is looking directly at the audience/camera  
Star vehicle -  

Friday 27th September 2024

Do Now
1.  masthead is the title of the magazine 
2.  Cover lines
3.  puff is a sticker on the magazine which promotes an item or has the price of an item shown in the magazine 
4.  is it positive or negative 
5.  stereotypes 

Representations in magazines 

Cover 1 -  Casual,  Normal, Sweet 
Cover 2  - Rockstar,  Powerful, Celebrity  
Cover 3 -  Wealthy, Sophisticated, Happy 

Famous, Glamorous,  Model 

colour palette - one is pink and purple the other is black and blue 
star vehicle - one is a female and one is a male 
audiences - they are both targeting different audiences 

men are represented as liking football because of the cover lines
he is well dressed in a suit
the cover lines suggest that men like shoes and watches
dark colour palette conote that gentlemen are sophisticated 
me are interested in fashion 
women have been represented as wanting to look a certain way
light colour palette to show stereotypes
likes fashion and men 

Friday, 4th October 2024

Representation Task 

Do Now! 
1. Biggest writing on the magazine, at the top, Different colour, over the main image 
2.  the picture is looking at you, or using you or we in texts
3.  Puff
4.  black and blue 
5.  When a person is treated as an object instead of a person


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